It is that time of the year which is liked by everyone. Spring season is about to begin and this is the right time when everyone can go outdoors and enjoy various sports activities. You and your kids can just hop out and visit baseball and lacrosse fields and enjoy a good match amongst yourselves. But, it is necessary to keep in mind a few things so that you can keep yourself safe and even enjoy the game at the same time.
A Useful Guide –
- It is extremely necessary to thoroughly check all the equipment ranging from cleats to gloves so that they can fit properly before the kids venture out for playing on the field. If there are any wear and tear then it should be fixed properly so that it is safe to use it once again.
- It is necessary to check out the condition of the field before the kids actually start playing any game. It is a well-known fact that outdoor playing fields will not be in good condition before the beginning of the spring season. This is most relevant for those places which have to face harsh winters. It is, therefore, necessary that the parents, or coach or a referee check the field thoroughly for debris and other uneven playing surfaces. By checking the fields will ensure that the children are playing on safe surfaces and will not have to bear the risk of getting injured and suffering from ankle sprains or any such injuries.
- It is necessary for the athletes to strengthen and condition themselves before they take part in spring sports. It is highly recommended that starting slowly and then increasing the intensity and demand of the training program will definitely help in avoiding injuries.
- It is advised that one should embark on light stretching after the workouts so that it helps in loosening the muscles after the training. It is worthwhile to know that particular sport-specific muscles will be sore if they have not been used for a while. Thus, it is necessary to stretch before and after taking part in a sport so that you can prevent muscles aches and strains.
- You should drink enough water and stay hydrated before, during and after your practices. It is also necessary to wear sunscreen before venturing out to play on the field. You may fall prey to heat exhaustion and may not even recognize its symptoms. Heat exhaustion may start with muscle cramps and can progress itself with heavy sweating, pale skin, general weakness, nausea and vomiting, and fainting. If you are facing such symptoms then you should excuse yourself from playing further and move to a cool area. Heat exhaustion can also progress to heat stroke. Some of the symptoms of heat stroke are – high body temperature, hot or red dry skin, a rapid and strong pulse, etc. If anyone experiences a heat stroke then you need to take him to a cool area and get some medical help right away.
Spring sports are definitely exciting events for both parents and their children. Just keep an eye on the young athlete and encourage them to inform you if they have injured themselves while playing. Just follow the above useful tips and rest assured you can easily have fun and avoid getting injured when you are on the playing field.